Availibility: SOLD
Breed: AmBull Neo
Gender: Female
Born On Date: 12/28/2021
Price: Pricing Starting at $800.00
Personality: Playful, Outgoing, and Friendly
Energy Level: Moderately Active
Good with Children: Yes
Good with Other Dogs: With Supervision
Shedding: Minimal
Grooming: Occasional Bath and Brush
Trainability: Highly Trainable
Height: 24 Inches & up (Male), 22.5 inches & up (Female)
Weight: 11 lbs Presently, 105 lbs as Adults
Life Expectancy: 11-14 Years.
Barking Level: Barks when necessary
Medical History: 2 Vet exams, Heart & Lung Functions Checked, Dewormed, 2/4 Sets of Vaccines.
These puppies are AmBullNeos. This is a deliberate crossing of a female Johnson-type American Bulldog with a male Neapolitan Mastiff. When grown, these pups will weigh from 105 lbs & up for females and up to 135 lbs for males. These will be powerful, athletic dogs with medium drive and high levels of ability. Like most Bull-Breeds, males can be dog aggressive. Early obedience training is advised. All puppies in this litter are brindle.
Priced from $800